Liquiem quickly works through problem areas such as acquiring products or additional services without delay for short supply or a just-in-time service model.  

We have over 30 years of experience across key supply and development models. 


PROBLEM SOLVING. Problem solving areas of weakness in the supply chain. 

COLLABORATION. Close collaboration with the clinical operations team during protocol design.

TAILORED PRACTICES. Developing tailored practices to make your clinical supply chain more resilient.

DEMAND. Meet your ongoing demand for goods and services.

AUXILIARY SERVICES. Operational support of auxiliary  services where internal or additional help is required 

DRUG WASTE. A strategy that offers the lowest possible levels of risk and drug waste.

FRIENDLY PROTOCOLS. Offer friendly protocols that proactively minimise stress, risk, cost and timelines. 

FOCUS. Maintain site-centricity of a clinical trial. 

SUPPLIER NETWORK. Global network of providers creating a lasting distribution network design

CONTINUITY of SUPPLY. With the pressures on clinical drug supply, Liquiem ensures continuity of  volume of trial stock and comparators globally. 


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